Sydney busk-a-thon!

This blog is aimed at getting local talent on stage in our local venues and pubs, but what about the live music that’s right under our noses? It might be as little as a short violin solo, or a few chords on a broken guitar. I’m talking about buskers! If want to fill our city with live music what about filling the streets with it? Literally. So, Sound Check has another proposition: ‘The Sydney Busk-a-thon’. If you’re a musician the Sydney Busk-a-thon is your day to truly own your city by claiming a street corner. All street performers are warmly welcome to this day of arts appreciation. This would be a great initiative for young musicians and street performers to be heard and practice performing in front of an audience.

The Sydney Busk-a-thon would take place in the central business district on a public holiday, preferably the Queen’s birthday long weekend in Spring. That way kids can attend and perform without missing school as well as the long weekend factor – everyone is outside and in a good mood. Sydney Busk-a-thon would be heavily promoted via social media as well as print media, with ads in free music magazines such as Drum Media and Brag. This is a much needed event as its statement is strong – if we are still struggling to bring young and innovative talent to the public via pubs and other venues, Sydney musicians will bring it to you on the street. It would also communicate the issue facing all young local musicians and performers, which is lack of exposure. We, as the public, never asked for that silly Rhianna song to be played blaring through car radios and club sound systems for lack of accessible local music. So we will play our music straight from the source, and we will play it loud!

Central Station - prime real estate for buskers

Central Station – prime real estate for buskers


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